Terms & conditions

Terms and Conditions for Advokatfirman Engström & Co

Commission and Assignments

The commission consists in an agreement between the client and the law firm Advokatfirman Engström & Co (Lawyers, assistants and the law firm in which these are working), below referred to as the Law firm.

The law firm is subject to the ethical rules of the Swedish Bar Association and supervision according to law.


The fee is charged as per hour. Invoices will usually be sent on a monthly basis.

The Law firm reserves its right to charge the client in advance or on account. Furthermore, the Law firm shall be allowed to a reasonable advance payment regarding costs.

In case there has not been regular invoicing, the final invoice will be sent when the commission is completed or has ended otherwise.

In case of late payment, a reminder fee of 150 SEK as well as interest according to the Swedish interest law will be charged.

Information to the tax authorities

The client agrees that the Law Firm, if necessary under binding rules, reports the commission fee invoiced to the client without value added taxes, including the client’s international tax registration number, to the tax authorities and other competent authorities. The client is informed that the existence of the commission is hereby revealed.

Limitation of responsibility

The Law firm is responsible for damages, which the client may have suffered, only if the damage have been caused by the Law firm by mistake or negligence in performing the commission.  The responsibility shall be limited to five million /5.000.000/ SEK.

Data protection

The Law firm is entitled to process personal data which the Law firm has received in connection with the commission or to transfer such data to third parties, as far as this is required to carry out the commission or to fulfil any other obligation according to contract, law or the Code of Conduct. Data may therefore, inter alia, be processed electronically in client registers, book keeping and time report applications.

Personal data is controlled by the Law firm (“Controller”) and will be treated according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its Swedish supplementary legislation as well as the Code of Conduct and provisions regarding confidentiality

Details on data protection can be found in here.

Applicable law, disputes etc.

The commission shall be governed by Swedish domestic law.

Disputes according to the commission agreement shall be tried by Swedish court.

In case a dispute has not been possible to solve on friendly terms, the client, if he or she is a consumer, also has the right to turn to the Swedish Bar Association’s Consumer Disputes Committee for an alternative dispute settlement:

Adress: Sveriges advokatsamfund, Box 27321, 102 54 Stockholm, e­mail: konsumenttvistnamnden@advokatsamfundet.se.

For more information in English see: www.advokatsamfundet.se/konsumenttvistnamnden/about-the-committee/.

The lawyer has an obligation to participate in the examination and to follow the decision of the Committee.